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Growing Instructions

Before opening, look below for any special growing instructions your pack of exotic mushrooms may require, depending on the variety you purchased.

  • Let the log stand upright, with the hole on top. Cut a 3mm deep line, with a serrated knife, into the substrate on the top only from side to side (ONLY with King Oyster you can cut on both sides if there is “puffy” growth on both ends.

    Remove the material plug from the hole at the top of the log. Hook the plastic out of the hole and allow it to stand up straight – DO NOT cut the plastic down!

  • Place the log in a suitable area (depending on any special instructions).  It needs natural light (but no direct sunlight) and if it is an outside variant, it should be protected from the rain. King Oyster can stand on its side if opened on both ends.

  • Spray water into the open top of the log and onto the substrate.  The substrate MUST be kept MOIST.  You may need to spray more often in hot, dry weather.  Spraying three to four times a day is most common.

  • Once you can see the pins starting to grow, avoid spraying water directly onto the caps; spray around the edges and at the base of the pins, if possible.  You don’t want soggy caps, although the pins must be kept moist!

  • Once the mushrooms have grown large enough to harvest (roughly 8 – 14 days), remove the entire flush from the base, leaving nothing behind. Your mushroom caps generally start tilting up when they are ready to harvest. EAT AND ENJOY!

  • Let the log rest for two to three weeks, covering the area with plastic or cling wrap where it was once opened. You can continue to spray the log after harvesting flushes, or let it rest completely.   Each log should give at least three to four flushes of mushrooms.  Time between flushes will vary.  You may have to wait only days, sometimes several weeks between flushes – this is nature we are dealing with and she keeps her own time-table!


Removing the plug and standing the plastic up allows oxygen to reach the substrate which stimulates the spores to grow, developing into ‘pins’ (young mushrooms).

Leaving the plastic to stand tall at the top of the log helps to prevent the substrate from drying out and protects the pins. Only open a larger area than the top if you can see the mushrooms already growing are growing against the plastic and need space.

If you see that spores are trying to grow around the sides of the log, cut the plastic around the area gently, exposing it to oxygen and promoting growth.  Don’t forget to spray!

The substrate is totally organic and, once flushes have stopped, the log can be disposed of in your garden or on your compost heap (you may even find a new flush growing!

Harvesting your Mushrooms

  • The best time to harvest (pick) your mushrooms is as soon as the edges of the caps start curling up. Once the mushroom caps start curling up the mushrooms will not grow much bigger. Leaving mushrooms too long will affect the quality of the mushrooms. 

  • The sooner you harvest the better the quality and the better chance of more mushrooms in the next flush. 

  • The entire flush of mushrooms must be picked at the same time. To harvest your mushrooms you must twist it as close to the base of the mushroom as possible without damaging the substrate it grows in.

  • Do not use a knife to cut off the mushrooms as it damages the ecosystem and can cause the log to rot in that area. A rotten section means less mushrooms will grow on your next flush.  

  • Once your flush has been harvested close the area where it grew (use clingwrap or a plastic bag if needed) and allow the log to rest for 2 to 3 weeks and then start watering it again.

  • Each log will grow up to 4 flushes of mushrooms with ideal conditions. Your largest harvests are usually the first and second as the log has the most nutrients for the mushrooms to feed off when the log is fresh and unused.   

  • Mushrooms generally double in size over 24 hours and are ready for harvest after 7 to 10 days from pinning.  

  • In ideal conditions your log will be ready to harvest its first flush after 21 days to 30 days after the log has been opened.

How to collect spores from your mushrooms

Step 1: Pick a fresh mushroom off your log and cut off the stem of the mushroom at the base of the fan-shaped cap. Cut below the white bottom of the cap.

Step 2: Place the oyster mushroom cap on dark coloured paper with the underside down on the paper. This side has the gills that hold the spores.

Step 3: Place a glass cup or bowl over the mushroom cap and place the setup in a cool and dry place for 48 hours.

Step 4: Remove the glass cup or bowl and the mushroom to find a white spore print where the spores have collected on the paper.

After the harvest

Fresh mushrooms can be kept for up to a week in the fridge. If you will not be using your mushrooms in the week after harvest you can easily dry or freeze your mushrooms for future use. 

Storing your fresh Mushrooms in the fridge for up to a week

  • After harvesting your mushrooms you can keep it in a container in the fridge for up to a week. 
  • Do not wash your mushrooms before storing them.
  • You can store them in a container or brown bag in the fridge. Line the inside (top and bottom) of the container or brown bag with paper towels. Do not close the container where the mushrooms are stored as this can cause the mushrooms to become soggy because of condensation. 
  • You can slightly dampen the paper towels before the time, the paper towels used cannot be wet. 
  • Keep your mushrooms in your vegetable drawer in the fridge, which is not as cold as the rest of the fridge. 

Drying your mushrooms for later use

Dried mushrooms have a stronger taste than fresh mushrooms. You will use less dried mushrooms in a dish than you would use fresh to get the same taste result. 

How to dry your mushrooms

  1. Pre-heat your oven to 150°.
  2. Slice your mushrooms into ½ cm slices. The thinner the slice the quicker it will take to dry out.  
  3. Arrange your sliced mushrooms, single layer on non-stick baking trays.
  4. Leave your mushrooms for 1 hour in the oven. Remove it from the oven and use paper towels to remove any excess that sweated from your mushrooms. Turn over the mushrooms and return to the oven for another hour. 
  5. Your mushrooms should be completely dry. If not completely dry use paper towels to remove excess moisture and turn them over again and leave for a further 20 minutes. The mushrooms should feel dry to the touch and still flexible. 
  6. Let the mushrooms cool down and then store your dried mushrooms in a cool, dark place in an air-tight container. You can add a piece of paper towel at the bottom of the container to absorb any moisture that may remain. 

Rehydrating your mushrooms

Dried mushrooms can be rehydrated by putting them in a bowl of warm water for 30 minutes. You can also rehydrate mushrooms by boiling a pot of water and simmering the mushrooms for 10 minutes. This liquid can be kept for stock to make soups and sauces. You can freeze the liquid in ice trays in the fridge to use as stock at a later stage.

Freezing Mushrooms

Freezing your mushrooms are not ideal as they can become very soggy. Frozen mushrooms can be used for soups and stews. Freezing mushrooms still keeps the great taste. Freezing mushrooms allow them to keep for about a year.

How to freeze your mushrooms:

  1. Boil a litre of water.  1 l of water to the boil with ½ a teaspoon of salt.
  2. Add ½ teaspoon of salt and the mushrooms.
  3. Bring to the boil again. Boil for 3 minutes. Use cold water to rinse. 
  4. Dry them out on paper towels and seal in freezer bags.


White Oyster – all year 

Brown Oyster – all year

Grey Oyster – all year

Pink Oyster – summer months

Gold Oyster – summer months

Chestnut – Winter

Nameko – Winter

Poplar – Winter

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